why you feel insecure in your relationship

Why You Feel Insecure in Your Relationship

16 Nov, 2020 Theresa Landicho

No relationship is perfect. More importantly, no person is perfect. There will be times when […]

5 signs of a toxic relationships and symptoms

5 Warning Sings You’re in a Toxic Relationship

23 Oct, 2020 Theresa Landicho

Counselor and mental health professional Theresa Landicho shares the 5 top warning signs of toxic relationships.

does too much stress in a relationship mean you need a break

Does Too Much Stress in Your Relationship Mean You Need a Break?

09 Apr, 2020 Lucy Harris

Lucy Harris explains when, how, and why you might need to take a break from your relationship.

are relationships supposed to be stressful

Are Relationships Supposed to be Stressful?

31 Mar, 2020 Lucy Harris

Practical steps to minimizing the stress in your relationship and when life gets in the way.

how to be happy in a long distance relationship

How to be Happy in a Long Distance Relationship

19 Aug, 2019 Lauren Gerber

Psychologist tells couples how to keep their long distance relationship alive.

what is a realistic relationship

5 Ways Hollywood Romanticizes Relationship Issues

05 Aug, 2019 Dianne Politud

5 relationship myths portrayed in Hollywood movies by relationship counselor Dianne Politud.

Are you unsatisfied in your relationship

Are You Unsatisfied in Your Relationship?

29 Jul, 2019 Dianne Politud

Relationship counselor Dianne Politud shares what she learned holds couples together. 5 things that make relationships last!

What to do if You're not Happy in Your Relationship

What to do if You’re Not Happy in Your Relationship?

18 Jun, 2019 Logan Hutchins

Psychologist and researcher Logan Hutchins shares his opinion on the dilemma of staying or leaving unhealthy relationships.

Staying Happy in a Long Term Relationship

How to Stay Happy in a Long-Term Relationship

17 Jun, 2019 Logan Hutchins

Psychologist Logan Hutchins shares his personal and expert opinion on long-term relationship happiness.